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Welcome to the website of

Sejong City Council

Home > Introduction of council > Greetings


I am Lim Chae-seong,
the Chairperson of the Sejong Special Self-Governing City Council.

임채성 의장

Welcome to the Sejong City Council website.

This is a space for meeting and communication where citizens and the Sejong City Council can engage in open dialogue and discussion.

In this process, the valuable opinions gathered will be actively reflected in our legislative activities.

Furthermore, this is an open space that vividly provides the scenes representing the public will, such as plenary sessions and standing committee meetings.

We will always listen attentively to the precious opinions of the citizens directed towards the Sejong City Council and contemplate ways to create a better Sejong City.

We ask for your continued interest and support, and the Sejong City Council will keep moving forward to ensure the happiness of its citizens and the development of Sejong City.

Thank you.